Hello once again
If you are a member of
FMSSAS you will be receiving the Trustees’ Newsletter (TN13) today. Do look out for it and read about all the
arrangements for the AGM which have CHANGED.
If you don’t receive it and would like to, please send me an email with
the subject AGM/TN13. To ensure you
receive future issues of TN please email membership@fms-sas.co.uk with
subject FMSSAS MEMBERSHIP and include your name, postal address & Tel no. in
your message. You will then be entered on the membership
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89. You never see
the bad days in your photo albums . . .
but it’s those days that get you from one picture to the next
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National Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain
Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain LIFE Magazine,
Sept/Oct 2012
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and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome No longer a mystery
One of the best articles
to date on FM. It was sent as an email
from Rollins Health Integrative
Medicine Center.
‘Imagine being so tired that you can't function. I'm
not talking about being pooped at the end of a long day at work or exhausted
after a big hike. I mean the kind of tired that prevents working a normal job
or the kind of tired that only allows doing a few hours of chores before having
to go back to bed from being so wiped out. Normally exercise gives one a bit of
energy but not this type of tired - if not careful exercise just makes it
worse. ‘
Read the rest of the
article here:-
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Getting to the Root of Fibromyalgia
While many researchers are
studying blood and urine of fibromyalgia patients to determine if mineral
abnormalities exist, one team from Korea is taking a novel approach
by going directly to the root of the problem.* Their study of trace elements in
hair samples shows fibromyalgia patients have lower levels of important
minerals compared to healthy adults.
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Coping Advice - Family Involvement
While only one person in a
family may suffer from fibromyalgia the entire family is affected by it. Your
family faces a troublesome time while learning to cope with the anxieties,
fears and trauma produced by fibromyalgia. Thus, it is essential that the
family become part of your therapeutic program. More explicitly, family support
is crucial to the successful management of any chronic and painful condition.
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Misleading Label
Dangers: How to Choose High-Quality
Supplements and Avoid Cheap and Dangerous Imitations
National surveys indicate that half of Americans take some kind of dietary supplement, and if you've visited your local drug store (or even grocery store) recently you know that weeding out the good from the bad can seem like a nearly impossible feat.
National surveys indicate that half of Americans take some kind of dietary supplement, and if you've visited your local drug store (or even grocery store) recently you know that weeding out the good from the bad can seem like a nearly impossible feat.
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Dangers of Root Canalled Teeth
Do you have a chronic
degenerative disease? If so, have you been told, "It's all in your
Well, that might not be
that far from the truth… the root cause of your illness may be in your mouth.
There is a common dental
procedure that nearly every dentist will tell you is completely safe, despite
the fact that scientists have been warning of its dangers for more than 100
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Shop for good with Give as you Live.
Give as you Live helps you
raise money for Fibromyalgia Support for Surrey and Sussex (FMSSAS) – at no
cost to you – every time you shop online. Start raising money today.
1. Visit our website and
'Discover Give as you Live'.
2. Fill in a few quick
details and download Give as you Live (This is 100% secure and takes just
3. Shop online and raise
money at no cost to you.
Find out more so every
time you shop online you can shop for good.
Find out more: http://www.giveasyoulive.com/join/fmssas/
© Fibromyalgia Support for
Surrey and Sussex (FMSSAS). All rights reserved.
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as you Live - Digital Donor Review, help us win £5000
Every day we work hard to
make sure donors like you are proud to be a Fibromyalgia Support for Surrey and
Sussex (FMSSAS) supporter. We know that your donations are an investment in our
work - thank you.
At Fibromyalgia Support
for Surrey and Sussex (FMSSAS) we strive to keep our costs low and to make the
most of the donations we receive. This is why we are currently looking closely
at our online communications.
We know that communicating
online can be a more cost effective way to share our latest news and updates,
but we need your help in understanding how you would like to hear from us
To help get these answers,
we have joined the Digital Donor Review 2012. Sponsored by Give as you Live,
the survey takes less than 5 minutes to complete and will help us understand
how we can communicate with you better.
As an added incentive,
when you complete the survey your name will be entered into a draw on the 31st
of December for us to win £5,000.
Take the Digital Donor
Review now and help us win £5,000.
© Fibromyalgia Support for Surrey and Sussex (FMSSAS).
All rights reserved.
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Question: Do I Need Dietary
Answer: Eating
a healthy, well-balanced diet should provide you with all of the individual
nutrients you need, but if you're diet isn't so good, some of those nutrients
might be deficient. For example, a person who hates fruits and vegetables might
not get enough vitamin C
and someone who refuses to eat dairy products will frequently need extra
calcium. Read more . . .
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Aspartame: Safety Approved in 90
Nations, but Damages the Brain
More than 90 countries have given the artificial
sweetener aspartame the green light to be used in thousands of food and
beverage products.1
Two hundred times sweeter
than sugar, aspartame allows food manufacturers to produce sweet foods they can
market as “low calorie,” “diet,” or sugar-free,” appealing to hundreds of
millions of consumers looking to cut sugar from their diets.
No doubt about it, the
less sugar you include in your diet, the better. But replacing sugar with
aspartame is not the solution, and in fact is likely to be even worse for your health.
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what’s with all the gluten
intolerances?? let me explain…
You might have read a
column by a former colleague of mine Mia Freedman recently where she questioned
people’s food intolerances, specifically gluten, and avoidance of certain
foods, specifically sugar. Funnily, I’m both intolerant to gluten and had to
quit sugar due to an autoimmune disease.
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going gluten-free? some hiccups you need
to know about
Gluten’s got a grimy name
just now. I’ve previously outlined my thoughts on going gluten-free (who
should, why it’s not a “fad” etc). It’s worth a read if you’re a little unsure
about the whole debate. If you’ve already made the move, or have contemplated
it, then you might learn a lot from this rundown of the tricky things that
might stump you in your tracks along the way.
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MediGuard - Lyrica - monitoring more than 1,500 patients
71% of patients are
at least somewhat satisfied with Lyrica.
MediGuard regularly polls
our more than 1,500 users taking Lyrica (or similar drugs with the same active
ingredient(s)) using the Treatment
Satisfaction Questionnaire for Medications (TSQM). This feedback is
continuously updated for the benefit of the MediGuard community.
You can check out other medications on this site. See Savella & Cymbalta which are also used to treat FM.
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I do not know whether I
shall be able to compile or send any eNews whilst I am in Spain. I shall be away from 3rd -25th
October, so if you don’t hear from me until after the AGM you will know
why. You may not get any reminders, but I
hope I will see a goodly number of you on 27th Oct. Don’t forget, all details are in TN13.
My fondest greetings to
you all
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N.B. I would like
to point out to you all that the information in my eNewsletters does not
necessarily infer endorsement by the charity Fibromyalgia Support for Surrey
& Sussex. Any advice or recommendation of a medical or legal
nature must always be discussed with a qualified professional. The charity
cannot be held responsible for omissions and/or errors.
Sites I refer you
to are for information only. They might conflict in their opinions, they
might not even be medically sound, but I merely offer them for you to peruse
and make your own judgements, accept or reject as you will. Only by
reading widely can we get an overall picture of fibromyalgia syndrome and how
we can deal with its symptoms, learn to cope with them and still have a life.
I also include
various awareness and local issues as well as general health
considerations. Anyone wishing to
reproduce any of the above items in printed form should seek permission from
the originators.
Wordz for the Week
are from ‘Wordz for the Day’ by Donnie Kuhn, Sr.
Past issues of
FMSSAS eNews can be found at www.fms-sas.co.uk/fmseNews.html and on a
blog at http://fmssas-enews.blogspot.com/